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Sep 25, 2023

Today, Ed talks to his childhood friend Jack Sealy, a veteran member for the Hong Kong Football Club. When he’s not #18 on the pitch, Jack manages his local business, Sauce Barbershop: a creative space for fresh haircuts, cool drinks, and open ears. It’s common for professional athletes always launch brands, but...

Sep 18, 2023

Zack Kramer is a sports professional who teaches athletes how to breathe properly to increase their endurance, strength, recovery, and mindset.

Ed has been on a long journey with his own breathing practices, from taking Wim Hops breathing programs to taping his mouth shut before bedtime. In his latest dive into...

Sep 11, 2023

The Process Programming’s captain of The BUILD Program, Liam Carmichael, breaks down WHAT it means to be tough, WHY it’s important, and HOW we can overcome physical, mental, and even emotional challenges.


What’s toughness to you? For many, it means doing hard things like lift heavy, run hard, and push...

Sep 4, 2023

We're excited to officially introduce Alex, our in-house content creator for The Process. He's the creative mind behind all the videos on our Instagram and YouTube accounts; the reason you like and subscribe! Alex joined the team in January 2023, fresh off his adventures as a professional filmmaker in China. Ed chats...