Sep 28, 2020
Ed and Ant sit down to answer some great listener questions related to TRAINING. Working their way through 12 questions, Ed and Ant share different perspectives in how they attack the questions: Ed the coach who is training for longevity vs Ant the coach who is training for elite sport. In this episode, we discuss...
Sep 21, 2020
Richard is the right-hand man to industry pioneer Julien Pineau, founder of StrongFit. Together, they have spent the last 3+ years travelling the globe educating coaches on their unique methodologies of training and coaching. This episode is packed full of knowledge, so have your pen and paper at the ready folks....
Sep 14, 2020
Erwin is a freelance strength and conditioning coach based in Shanghai. Erwin was a former athlete, who dabbled in competitive bodybuilding, and eventually found himself in the CrossFit space in 2008. After making the move over from LA to Shanghai, Erwin pursued the goal of being a competitive CrossFitter. A wrist...
Sep 7, 2020
James is a strength and conditioning coach with a particular interest in body transformations. But he isn’t your typical transformation coach. Despite his interest in getting folks competition ready, he refuses to do it at the expense of their health. An idea that jives well with the LIVE PERFORM COMPETE community. In...