Mar 30, 2020
Ed sits down with Mike Molloy, owner of M2 Performance Nutrition. Mike has been around CrossFit for over 10 years and is the nutrition coach of some of the sports’ top athletes including Sara Sigmundsdottir Haley Adams, Chyna Cho, and Tamarind Robinson. Both Tamarind Robinson (Episode 3) and Ant Haynes (Episode 2)...
Mar 23, 2020
Ed and Izzy sit down to discuss how to navigate the challenges that currently exist as a result of the Corona virus. As gyms continue to close down around the world, and more people are entering quarantine periods, we are being challenged both mentally and physically. In this episode, we discuss the importance of taking...
Mar 16, 2020
In this second episode of our 'Road to the CrossFit Games' series, Ed sits down with his athlete, Tammi Robinson, as they rewind the clock to look back on some pivotal events in her life: We explore Tammi's childhood and her love for sport and competition, a career in McDonalds, stepping into a CrossFit gym for the...
Mar 9, 2020
Mar 2, 2020
There's always more than meets the eye.
In this first episode in our 'Road to the CrossFit Games' series,
Ed sits down with his athlete, colleague, younger brother, and the
current 27th fittest man on earth, Ant Haynes. They unearth some of
his life's' events, which they believe has helped shape the man he