Dec 21, 2020
Today we welcome back Simone Arthur, who was a guest on the show on #34 where we dive into the concept of reverse dieting. Simone is a nutritionist working for The Method, an online group of dedicated nutrition coaches. She works with folks in all walks of life, but has a particular interest in working with athletes - one of them being the worlds fittest women, Tia-Clair Toomey.
Today we discuss nutrition and ‘the festive season’. What is generally a really happy and exciting time of year for us, the break away from routine can bring with it some tricky obstacles, like overeating, social engagements, no gym access and alcohol consumption! In this episode, Simone shares with us some tips and tricks that you can implement to ensure that you win over the holiday break!
Hope you enjoy this episode team, and have a great New Year!
Simone Arthur:
Instagram: @simonejanearthur
The Method Now:
Website: www.
Instagram: @themethodnow
The Process Programming:
Instagram: @theprocessprogramming