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Oct 12, 2020

Simone Arthur is a nutritionist working for The Method, an online group of dedicated nutrition coaches. She works with folks in all walks of life but has a particular interest in working with athletes - one of them being the worlds fittest women, Tia-Clair Toomey. In this episode, we begin by unravelling Simone’s story, and what brought her to become a nutritionist. We then dive into a plethora of conversation surrounding nutrition, including Reverse Dieting; The Coaching Process; The Importance of Tracking; The Problems with ‘If it fits your macros’; and the mistake we are all making by focusing our energy on body composition. This episode is a blend of education and simple takeaways for us all to think about when it comes to nutrition.

Simone Arthur:
Instagram: @simonejanearthur

The Method Nutrition:
Instagram: @themethodnow

Website: The Process Programming
Instagram: @theprocessprogramming